Practical advice and information


When it comes to e-commerce, everything to do with delivery is a natural extension of the experience your e-buyer will have with your brand. From the choice of delivery methods to return solutions, from sending goods internationally to simply ensuring that your reusable or non-reusable parcels are properly packed, find out all the Colissimo advice you need to help you on a daily basis.

Visuel - Conseils et informations pratiques

Packing parcels properly: the bea-ba of e-commerce logistics

Visuel encart page emballage

Deliver your parcels in appropriate packaging

The parcel you send is the first thing your customer will see of you. And you know as well as we do: the 1st impression is often decisive.

A well-packaged order in a well-fitted, well-protected parcel will also impress your customer! What's more, to win them over over over the long term, it's not just a question of delivering their purchase on time... 

Don't miss the opportunity to make a 1st good impression

Boost your e-commerce business

Launching and developing your online business internationally

Visuel - Conseil pour livrer à l'international

Our advice for international deliveries

Going international isn't something you can improvise. Neither is expanding into a new country. 
With its international delivery service, home delivery and collection points, combined with its network of partners around the world, could be the service you select to deliver to your foreign e-buyers. Before doing so, we have a few tips and practical information to share with you.