You can track your parcels from the Colissimo Box customer area using the Parcel Tracking Tools application.
Your Parcel Tracking Tools application, accessible from the homepage, allows you to track up to 20,000 parcels over a period of 90 days and to contact our online Customer Service with any complaints.
You can apply by filling in the form on the Pickup website.
Applications are reviewed on a weekly basis. Pickup will contact you if the location of your business meets the needs of their network.
You can change your address or your contact information directly from the Collection area in the "My information" tab.
The Tracking Web Service allows you to retrieve the tracking of your parcels in order to display it on your website for your customers.
You will be invoiced once a month. You will find the amount of the service on your Colissimo invoice.
The Parcel Tracking Tool application is available in the Tools and Services section of your customer area. To access your secure customer area, you need a login (your customer account number) and a password. This information was given to you when you opened your account. Once logged in, you will be able to access all your applications.
The Parcel Tracking Tool is a new online parcel tracking and request management interface for businesses. This tool allows you to track your parcel activity in an optimal way and to be able to inform your customers more efficiently.
To be put in touch with a La Poste sales representative, you can call 3634 or use the contact form to make your request.