The parcel with empty space but without over-packaging

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Jeremy needs his own coffee maker when he mixes studying and partying, so he can keep his energy up. 

Good news: he has received the parcel sooner than expected and even before his upcoming exams! But it was delivered in its original packaging. He wonders if that’s normally the case…

Shipping merchandise without over-packaging it is good for the environment. It limits the use of raw materials and the associated carbon footprint. But not all merchandise can be shipped like this. 

Just like with packets of biscuits, compost or cement (link to previous entry), primary product packaging is essentially designed to contain the merchandise and help with storage, but the corrugated cardboard used in these boxes is simple and not very durable. Items in such boxes are also rarely secured and there is empty space. So the product you want to ship is not well-protected and can suffer damage during shipping. 

In addition, this type of packaging does not guarantee the “secret” contained within, so it’s a risk to confidentiality and security. 

Our recommendation for the perfect parcel with empty space but without over-packaging 

For low-value, non-fragile merchandise and /or goods that are secured internally (even moulded to the product), the parcel can be shipped without risk of breakage. 

If necessary, we recommend you continue to wrap customer orders by adapting the size of the packaging, and by using a system to keep the goods in place to prevent any excess space. 

In this case, too, don't hesitate to talk about any problems with your suppliers so they can develop packaging designed for both display AND shipping by, for example, reinforcing the corrugated cardboard if there are no graphics. 

We also discuss these problems with the experts who helped us establish the Afnor specification for packaging problems.