The multi-parcel

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Marion absolutely has to have everything that's just come out. 5 parcels! But there is an art to shipping several parcels…

Some customers order several items on your online site or you suggest grouping their order into a single parcel in order to limit the number of deliveries, along with the associated CO2 emissions. 

You can use straps to make sure the packaging stays together, but you need to ensure they don’t come free, as they might then block one of the components in the conveyor and immobilise the sorting machine. A stopped sorting machine means… delayed delivery. 

Also, when you group parcels together for shipping using string or a strap, the different parcels might come apart. One or more of them might then no longer have a shipping label, and so might become permanently lost, as it is impossible for us to figure out which other parcels, with labels, the separated ones are supposed to be delivered with, so the necessary shipping information is lost.

Our recommendation the perfect multi-parcel:

Grouping parcels together is quite simply against the terms of our GTCS. 
Don't hesitate to use a bigger parcel that can contain all of the merchandise you need to ship, while still making sure you limit unnecessary space. 
If you don't have packaging that's big enough, follow the simple rule: 1 parcel = 1 label.

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The golden rules for a perfect parcel

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Vignette - Webserie taille moyenne
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