News on Colissimo Out of Home Delivery and Colissimo International Return offers

Vue aérienne d’un grand château historique Estonien en briques rouges entouré d’eau. Le château est situé sur une île, reliée au continent par un pont étroit. Le paysage environnant comprend plusieurs petites îles et de vastes voies navigables.

A current of new in the Baltic sea!

Expand your e-commerce business easily in the Baltic States!

From now on, you can offer to Baltic residents a complete offer that covers all their needs: home delivery, out of home delivery and a return solution!

3 countries, 3 news:

In Lithuania and Estonia, the Out of Home offer reaches new heights of convenience! Give your customers the freedom to pick up their orders whenever they like, in complete safety, thanks to the opening of our Pickup lockers.
In Latvia, enjoy peace of mind with our Return offer! Your Latvian customers will be able to browse your platform with complete peace of mind, knowing that, should the need arise, they'll benefit from a simplified return solution!

Seize these golden opportunities to attract new e-buyers and build loyalty among your existing customers in these destinations!

Do you know Estonian e-buyers?

Infographie en français présentant des statistiques sur le e-commerce Estonien. Carte de l'Estonie en orange, icônes d’activités d’achat et graphiques en barres montrant des pourcentages y sont représentés.

*Preferred purchasing criteria and delivery methods based on a multiple-choice question.

For more information on this destination please (re) visit the country fact sheet to know what's on offer and what's special about it.

Do you know Latvian e-buyers?

Infographie en français présentant des statistiques sur le e-commerce Lettonien. Carte de la Lettonie en orange, icônes d’activités d’achat et graphiques en barres montrant des pourcentages y sont représentés.

*Preferred purchasing criteria and delivery methods based on a multiple-choice question.

For more information on this destination, please (re) visit the country fact sheet to know what's on offer and what's special about it.


Do you know Lithuanian e-buyers?

Infographie en français présentant des statistiques sur le e-commerce Lituanien. Carte de la Lituanie en orange, icônes d’activités d’achat et graphiques en barres montrant des pourcentages y sont représentés.

*Preferred purchasing criteria and delivery methods based on a multiple-choice question.

For more information on this destination, please (re) visit the country fact sheet to know what's on offer and what's special about it.

Sources : Statista / GEOPOST - 2024 e-shopper barometer 

Picto - Colissimo Domicile
Home Delivery
Pictogramme - Livraison point retrait
Out of Home Delivery

Delivery by locker is now available in Estonia and Lithuania !

Picto - Colissimo Retour

The Colissimo Return offer finally arrives in Latvia!